Fall Conference: You’re Invited . . . Mark Your Calendar

The CEOMTA 2016 Fall Conference will be held on Friday, September 16, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at Graves.  Registration begins at 9:15.  Don’t miss this opportunity to greet friends, meet new colleagues, and hear our Guest Speaker, Dr. Jerry Wong of Kent State University.

The focus for the morning is Adjudication for Musicians and Dr. Wong’s talk is titled:
“The view from opposite ends of the Concert Hall: Reflections from a Competitor and Juror.” Many of us have heard Dr. Wong at State Conferences and know him to be an interesting presenter

Following his talk, a panel consisting of Laura Benson, NCTM; Dr. Suzanne Newcomb, NCTM and Virginia Christopherson, NCTM with Sharon Walton NCTM as moderator, will share insights on judging student events. Carol Rein, NCTM will lead us through a practice judging session.

Be part of this interesting and helpful kick-off for a new year of teaching. Door prize drawings will begin at 9:30 a.m.

Check the CEOMTA Activities Guide for more information.

Carol Rein and Sharon Walton
Co-Chairs for Conferences