Certification Class Meets August 28

Are you in the midst of goal-setting for your students, so they reach a higher level of competence in a number of areas this coming year?  What goals are you setting for YOURSELF to reach a higher level of competence in a number of areas this year?  You are invited to join the group of OMTA teachers who would are contemplating
national certification.

Any member interested in or just curious about MTNA’s National Certification program is invited to come to a general information session from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. Monday, August 28th in the Graves Recital Hall. Sometimes teachers come with no intention to become certified, but they want to continue to learn. And then sometimes they “catch” the desire to get the NCTM designation.

Beforehand, you are encouraged to visit the MTNA website at http://www.mtnacertification.org. Many members print out pertinent information. Those who wish to start one of the five required steps toward certification find that setting up a 3-ring binder or a series of folders on the computer helps in organization.

From 10:15 until 11:45 a.m., members who have already started their quest are invited to join us. We will do these things:

  • Discuss and share Teaching Philosophies (Project One) and briefly touch on Studio Policies (Project 5)
  • Discuss and look at hypothetical annual budgets (Project 5.2.C)
  • Analyze a piece of music and state how you would get a student started on it (Project 2)

Here is a testimonial from one of our members:
“I had a wonderful experience getting certified! I found that through my experience getting my certification, I rediscovered the thrill of studying music and learning new approaches to teaching. I learned much more about myself and reconnected with some of those elements of study that we as teachers sometimes don’t often get a chance to dig into because we are so busy figuring out how to get our students to count or practice. I put aside my fears as a teacher and let fellow colleagues help me with my goals. I found out that other teachers in this area are not here to be competitors but to help us along the way, and are our biggest cheerleaders. It was truly one of the greatest things I have done for myself and my students.”

I would appreciate hearing from you if you plan to attend. But if you are unsure, feel free to just show up at the last minute.

Janice Cook, NCTM

Nominations now open for Certified Teacher of the Year

Nominations are now being accepted for our District Nationally Certified Teacher of the Year. Please read about the process on page 7 of the Activities Guide handbook, where you can see a list of all the previous winners, or at this link:

Certified Teacher of the Year

Any nationally certified teacher is eligible to be nominated. Please think about your colleagues who have set high standards and who are role models to you and others. Take the time to nominate someone deserving of this award. Please note that our district winner goes on to be considered for State Teacher of the Year. Thank you for your consideration.

Janice Cook, NCTM
CE Certification Chair


Congratulations to Susan Treer, NCTM

Congratulations to Susan Treer, NCTM, our newest nationally certified member!

Susan has taught piano in Westerville for over 26 years and is a long-time member of MTNA. She has served in many volunteer positions for our district, including President, Membership Chairman, and is Currently Vice President of Teacher Activities. She has judged for Scale Olympics and has been a Pianorama conductor.

An accomplished church musician, Susan is also a choral accompanist and plays every week at St. Anne’s Hospital as a music therapy volunteer.

Susan worked hard to become nationally certified and reports that the certification process was a beneficial experience. “Every step has improved my teaching, and I look forward to continued growth.” Thanks, Susan, for setting national certification as a goal, for your dedication to OMTA, and for being a role model to others. Bravo!

Submitted by Janice Cook, NCTM
Certification Chair